
  • Algebra Calc Master For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 10. 07:45

    MAC 1147 Integrated Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trigonometry (5CR) This course includes all of the topics covered in Pre-Calculus Algebra (MAC 1140) and in Trigonometry (MAC 1114). See the course descriptions for MAC 1140 MAC 1114 for the MAC 1147 topics. They are not mandatory but make the gp calculator respectively faster and more user-friendly. Snapshots from our GIT server contain basic GP binaries built daily from the master branch. Basic DMG for MacOS (no packages).

    Algebra Calc Master For Mac Free

    MAT 0018 Developmental Mathematics 1 (4CR) The student will learn operations with whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, percent and their applications; simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions; ratios and proportions; solving linear equations in one variable and graphing solutions to linear inequalities. This course does not satisfy the college level mathematics requirements. Placement test scores or referral determine admission. Lecture; 4 hr.

    Lab.) MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined (5CR) This course combines Developmental Mathematics I and II. The student will learn operations on signed numbers, solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, operations on polynomials, factoring, integer exponents, radicals, graphing, and applications.

    This course does not satisfy the college level mathematics requirements. Placement test scores or referral determine admission. Lecture; 4 hr. Lab.) MAT 0028 Developmental Mathematics 2 (4CR) The student will learn topics which include operations with signed numbers; solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable; operations with polynomials, factoring, integer exponents, radicals, rational expressions, graphing and applications of these topics. This course does not satisfy the college level mathematics requirements.

    Prerequisite: MAT0018 with a minimum grade of S or placement test scores. Lecture; 4 hr. Lab.) MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra (3CR) This course covers the concepts of variables representing numbers.

    Students will learn to strengthen their algebraic skills in linear equation solving, quadratics, factoring, rational expressions, radicals, graphing linear equations and inequalities, and related applications. Prerequisites: MAT0024 or MAT0020 with a minimum grade of S or appropriate placement test score. MAC 1105 College Algebra (3CR) This course includes the following topics: functions and functional notation; domains and ranges of functions; graphs of functions and relations; operations on functions; inverse functions; linear, quadratic and rational functions and equations; systems of equations and inequalities; mathematical modeling; and applications of the topics listed above. Prerequisite: MAT 1033 with a grade of C or higher, or departmental permission.

    MAC 1114 Trigonometry (3CR) Circular functions of real numbers, including topics of radian measure, the fundamental identities, solutions of triangles and complex numbers. Prerequisite: MAC 1140 or MAC 1105 with a grade of C or better or equivalent. Lecture) MAC 1140 Pre-Calculus Algebra (3CR) An axiomatic presentation of the real number system as an ordered field, in which axioms, definitions, and theorems are used to justify traditional algebraic processes involving such topics as algebraic fractions and inequalities. Prerequisites: MAC 1105 or acceptable score on Algebra Placement Test.

    Lecture) MAC 1147 Integrated Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trigonometry (5CR) This course includes all of the topics covered in Pre-Calculus Algebra (MAC 1140) and in Trigonometry (MAC 1114). See the course descriptions for MAC 1140 MAC 1114 for the MAC 1147 topics.


    The course is designed for students with a strong high school background in algebra and trigonometry, or for students who performed very well in College Algebra. Prerequisite: MAC 1102 or MAC 1105 with a Grade of C or better, or departmental permission. MAC 2233 Business Calculus (3CR) An introduction to the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus for business majors. Topics include limits; continuity; differentiation and integration of polynomial, logarithmic and exponential functions with applications to business. Prerequisite: MAC 1105 or equivalent or permission of the department chairperson.


    Lecture) MAC 2241 Life Science Calculus (3CR) Introductory course in calculus for the Life Sciences. Students will learn Plane Trigonometry, Vectors and Vector Operation, Algebraic and Transcendental Functions, Differential and Integral Calculus, Matrices, and Elementary Statistics with an emphasis in the application of these topics to the life sciences. Prerequisite: MAC1105 (48 hr. Lecture) MAC 2311 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5CR) Introduction to analytic geometry, limits, continuity, differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric functions, differentials, introduction to integration and the fundamental theorem of calculus; application of definite integrals and derivatives. Prerequisite: MAC 1114 and MAC 1140 or MAC 1147 with a grade of 'C' or better or departmental permission.

    Lecture) MAC 2312 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II (4CR) Techniques of integration; applications of integration; differentiation and integration of inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions; sequences and series; conics; parametric equations and polar coordinates; improper integrals; and indeterminate forms. Prerequisite: MAC 2311 with a grade of 'C' or better. Lecture) MAC 2313 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III (4CR) Analytic geometry of three dimensions; vectors and vector valued functions; curves and surfaces in 3-space;partial differentiation and applications; multiple integrals and their applications; line integrals, surface integrals; Green's theorem; the Divergence theorem; and Stokes' theorem. Prerequisite: MAC 2312 with a grade of 'C' or better. MGF 1106 Mathematics for Liberal Arts I (3CR) This course includes topics in geometry, probability and statistics, and sets and logic.

    It also covers selected topics in the history of mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT 1033 with a grade of C or better, or departmental permission. MGF 1107 Mathematics for Liberal Arts II (3CR) This course includes topics in the mathematics of finance, linear and exponential growth, number systems and elementary number theory, graph theory, and voting techniques. It also covers selected topics in the history of mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT 1033 with a grade of C or better, or departmental permission.

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